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Class sizes hamper learning

The Spokesman-Review

“Mrs. Coyote, can I tell you something?”

This question is from Trenton, one of my 26 kindergarteners in the morning class. I tell him, “Just a moment,” as I need to intervene with a couple of children during our hands-on math workshop. (Incidentally, my afternoon class has 25 children, six of whom are English language learners.)

I started teaching in 1984, when class sizes were the same: huge.

Recently on television, I watched as top teachers and administrators in Washington state received the prestigious Golden Apple Award. Each discussed the vital role relationship plays in student achievement. The show affirmed what I’ve known for years: Relationship is the first “R” in effective teaching, followed by Relevance and Rigor.

It is vital that teachers are held accountable. However, Washington legislators need accountability as well. When Trenton wants to tell me something, and I, the only adult in a room with 26 5- and 6-year-olds, have to turn him away, an opportunity to connect and strengthen his learning is lost.

Without a doubt, the most disheartening part of my career has been the fact that, in 26 years, class sizes in Washington state remain unchanged.

Washington state legislators, can I tell you something?

Elizabeth Coyote


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