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Ike tried to warn us

President Eisenhower (a Republican) warned us about allowing the military-industrial complex too much power. The recent election indicates that we have ignored him. The corporations now have more power over us than ever before, and coming legislation promises to increase this power even more.

We now have military bases in countless countries around the world and engage in wars that are never-ending. This is profitable for corporations, but the cost to average citizens is huge, it produces nothing and it does not guarantee security. We are asked to pay taxes to continue these policies while losing hard-won social programs that provide real security to our own people. If we can’t count on retiring with a livable income, if we can’t expect affordable medical care, if we live in constant fear of being unemployed for years at a time, and if the wages of those who are employed are stagnant or decreasing, are we secure?

We need to reduce the military budget and save social programs. Corporations and the ultra-wealthy should pay their share of taxes so ordinary Americans can just meet basic needs.

Ann Warwick


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