People belong at controls
With the exception of John Boehner, the “politicians” listed in Halina Slobodow’s letter (Nov. 14) all support legislation which would increase the size of our government. I exclude John Boehner because he, at least, “says” we need to reduce the size of our government.
Contrary to what Halina believes, our government is not there to provide for Americans. They are to be our representatives. That means they would carry out the will of the people. It sounds like what she wants is for the people to agree with the will of the government, regardless of its effect on our freedoms.
Not every American agrees with the new health care bill. Disagreeing doesn’t mean they hate anyone. As has become apparent, most Americans don’t believe the government should be controlling private businesses such as health care, financial industry, automakers, etc. That opposition has been shrugged off and labeled as hate and/or racism, and those who would have the government provide and think for them are buying into that lie.
It is time for true Americans to demand real representation from their elected officials.
Don Hood
Spokane Valley