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Obama a ‘green’ hypocrite

The president is in Europe promoting “green energy,” yet his transportation is an 8-ton gas-inhaling Caddy limo. At the same time, he’s extolling the virtues of electric cars. Such hypocrisy knows no bounds.

It’s much like Gore’s big SUVs, his home illuminated like Disneyland and Pelosi’s jet. “Do as I say, not as I do.” The president doesn’t care; it’s taxpayer money footing his bills and it helps him think he’s king. He’d do well to stop running away from this country and stay home to learn to become an actual leader.

This “energy” trip is all about hearing himself spout off about going green when he doesn’t even know what it’s about – obviously. Voting him into office certainly did not do the country any good. We’ve never been worse off and have never had such an unpatriotic batch of people in D.C. What a joke!

Marlene Brazington

Deer Park

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