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Save the library

St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Parish in East Central Spokane is an intentional parish. People attend there from all over the county. We are deeply concerned about the City Council’s choice to reduce the budget for Library Services resulting in designating the East Branch to be axed. The children using this resource do not have Blackberries and home computers. Nor do they have funds for transportation to other branches.

The sensitivity of the board and City Council to put this forward as the resolution to a $150,000 budget need is unconscionable. The political constituents of that area are least able to object and are most in need of good library service. Speak up, and advocate for the weak and lowly if you are a Christian.

John Olsen


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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