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Gun laws senseless

Imagine you’re a Mexican drug lord and you’re looking to arm your foot soldiers for battle with the Mexican army. Your choice is between cheap fully automatic weapons or expensive semi-automatic weapons. Duh.

Your next choice is to smuggle the cheap ones across the Guatemalan border or the expensive ones across the U.S. border. Duh.

An attempt to illegally purchase a fully auto “combat” weapon in the U.S. is met with overwhelming odds the seller draws pay from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, but the market for these in Central America is vast.

Is there a market for U.S. weapons in Mexico? Of course there is. Is this market the main source of cartel weaponry? Of course not, but our media would have you believe otherwise.

Due to the fact that gun violence has actually decreased in the U.S. as a result of the increase in carry concealed laws, it appears the U.S. antigun lobby, with the reliable help of the media, is now attempting to exploit Mexican violence to advance its agenda at home.

Eric Morris


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