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Murray didn’t say much

Wouldn’t it be great if all the attack ads coming out of D.C. were about the truth of the candidate? This includes Patty Murray. Did she tell us that she voted for everything the Dems put forward while we were asking her not to? Did she tell us she took a half-million dollars from the Wall Street bailouts?

Did she tell us why she kept pushing Obama care on us, while the people of Washington were making phone calls to her offices begging her not to vote for it?

The only thing she really told us was when she stood with Pelosi and Reid and let us know that she voted for it against our wishes.

And she does keep telling us she is working hard for the people of Washington and their concerns. Well, I tell her to take a rest. We need someone who really does care about us. But I’m not sure we will find that person in our lifetime. This ship we’re on now is being run by greed, power and control.

June Williams

Spokane Valley

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