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Platforms reveal differences

Local politics are highly personal, and political party platforms at the county level often accommodate large and diverse memberships by including all ideas equally. The serious action is at the state platform committees.

The 2010 Washington state Republican Party platform is a concise declaration of core principles and is online in both text and video format ( The Washington State Democrat Party Platform is also online ( pdf/00%20-%20Full%20Platform.pdf). Compare these two statements:

Republican platform: “We believe the greatest healthcare system in the world is best preserved by minimizing the government’s control over it.”

Democrat platform: “We call for a comprehensive, single-payer national health care plan …”

We need independent FDA regulation of drug companies and scientific review of procedures for effectiveness. We lose independent oversight and unbiased research when the federal government both establishes the standard of care and pays the bills. Would you trust your insurance company to run studies on new procedures without cost bias?

Which party represents your core values in the 2010 elections? Are you in favor of a vigorous private health care sector with federal oversight (Republican) or nationalized health care (Democrat)? Party does matter. Vote Dino Rossi for U.S. Senate in 2010.

Sue Lani W. Madsen

Edwall, Wash.

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