Questions await candidate
I recently attended debates of candidates running for legislative positions. At every one, every candidate has shown up with the exception of one. Candidates have several weeks notice for each event, but a last-minute announcement says John Ahern won’t be attending “due to scheduling conflicts.” How is it he is the only one with “last-minute” scheduling problems?
I bring this up because I’ve met with Mr. Ahern before. He stands before crowds and yells, “This is wrong! I’m going to see to it that it gets fixed!” yet never puts any action behind it.
Well, I am not surprised he hasn’t shown up. I have wanted to ask him publicly, why is it he claimed huge support for child care providers three years ago, saying “licensing will be held accountable!” yet he did not follow up with any action or return e-mails or calls to providers. Perhaps, staying out of the limelight will keep people from seeing that his “talk” has no “walk” behind it.
We need legislators of action. John Driscoll, Chris Marr and Timm Ormsby are just that, and Andy Billig is proving to have the same compassion and desire to help us working stiffs too.
Paula D. Hall