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Baumgartner would trim spending

As a long-standing member of the Spokane community and former chair of Greater Spokane Incorporated, I wholeheartedly endorse Mike Baumgartner’s candidacy for the 6th District state Senate.

Along with many members of the Spokane business community, I have been sorely disappointed by his opponent’s position on many critical issues facing our state. Mr. Marr is the majority whip for the Democratic Party and his publicly available voting record demonstrates his lack of independence, his allegiance to the state unions and his willingness to sacrifice real principles for political expediency.

Mike Baumgartner has a solid background in economic development and has served our country as a diplomat in Iraq and on contract to the U.S. State Department in Afghanistan.

Mike has a different vision for Spokane: Most critically, he understands the great need to get spending and taxes back under control. The staggering quantity of mail pieces making absurd and utterly false claims about his positions on issues from support for veterans to Medicare should be an enduring source of shame to Chris Marr and the Democratic Party.

Mike Baumgartner would be an outstanding state senator for Spokane and I hope voters will join me in electing him.

Tony Bonanzino


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