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Money talks, plug your ears

Washington citizens, having investigated booby traps laid by Mr. Gates Sr. and his lying statisticians, know that income taxes are job killers. The Gates family can buy Washington. Yet, they want an income tax for better education and other “worthwhile” programs.

It’s always the same liberal Democrat tune to raise taxes. Don’t you just love direction from liberal billionaires?

I wonder what Billy Senior’s allowance is from Billy Junior? If they gave away half of their fortune to some stupid tax they invent, they are still billionaires.

The hidden part of their treachery comes to fruition in two years. The Legislature will vote in taxes on all income levels and devastatingly decrease everyone’s take-home pay. Voters, look at other unfortunate states that accepted income taxes and observe their demise.

I don’t want my sons laid off because of inept, rich, liberal ideology!

If Bill Senior wants to donate millions for educational problems he thinks we have, then he can write a check and/or pass the hat. People attain education and jobs through hard work, not taxes. Eye washing a land-mine tax to Washington is above reproach. Vote no on any income tax.

Paul G. Swanson


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