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Post-election antics juvenile

I have been employed by the Spokane County Assessor’s Office since 1990 and have seen many changes through five different administrations. Never have I witnessed such childish behavior coming from a few supposedly professional county employees and ex-employees.

The election was over last November, and the voters of Spokane County voiced their choice by electing our current assessor, Vicki Horton. I am not alone when I say to the past administration and its hangers-on: Get over it! Harboring ill will and bad attitudes will not bring Ralph Baker back.

The employees of this office need to focus on serving the people of Spokane County and doing their respective jobs. Stop spending so much time back-stabbing employees from “the other camp,” sabotaging the county’s public information request system, and other grade-school tactics that amount to nothing more than behavior typical of schoolyard sore losers. Let’s get on with doing what we’re being paid to do and move on from all this foolishness.

Connie Stolz


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