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Jobs not created here

The people of this country are watching in horror as Congress seems willing to destroy America. They refuse to raise taxes and instead want to cut all programs that help vulnerable people, the elderly, the handicapped, the children. The wealthy people are cuddling their fortunes and crying, “Mine, it’s all mine!” They didn’t get rich all by themselves, they had a lot of help from the people who worked for them, many at low wages.

Sure, people should live within their means, but if you have a catastrophe, an illness or other financial hardship, what do you do? You get a second or third job to increase your income to meet your obligations. The government needs more money, period.

If tax cuts create jobs, where are the jobs from the Bush-era tax cuts? They are in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and other places far from here. When we are all impoverished here, maybe they will hire Americans, but don’t expect to be paid much and working conditions will be horrible.

Dorothy Carter


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