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Enemies of peace
Anti-Israel propagandists substitute buzzwords for facts in their efforts to demonize Israel. It doesn’t matter to them that Israel’s 1 million-plus Arab citizens vote, serve in parliament, as officers in the army, as diplomats, supreme court justices and work side-by-side with Jews and non-Jews in every profession throughout the country – all impossibilities if their favorite words carried even the whiff of truth.
It doesn’t matter to them that in the war against Israel in 1948, the Arabs ethnically cleansed every Jew living in the areas that fell under Arab control, even Jews whose families had lived in the region for millennia, just as it doesn’t matter that the Arab objective in that war was to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Israel.
What does matter to them is the destruction of Israel, and to achieve that goal, anything is acceptable. So the anti-Israeli propagandists not only spread falsehoods with their buzzwords, they feed the strife already too common in the region. Every word they speak or write incites and makes peace between Israel and its neighbors more elusive. They are, in fact, the enemies of peace.
Mike Barenti