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Weary of representative

I am weary of watching my representative from the 5th District, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, marching demurely two steps behind House Speaker John Boehner.

Standard & Poor’s has downgraded the credit rating of the USA, not for lack of economic resources – no, the reason is governance and the obdurate stance of the Republican Party, refusing to compromise, refusing to consider even one small step toward a balanced approach of judiciously raising revenue to match deep cuts in spending. This credit rating decision cannot be pinned on Obama; the Republicans own it and the stubborn ideology that’s responsible.

Rep. McMorris Rodgers proclaims herself a patriot. She writes me that she will always do what is best for the 5th District.

How patriotic is it to deliberately deepen this depression, decimate the middle class, tax the poor to the hilt, while refusing to demand even one dime from the wealthy?

The first requirement for recovery is to all share the necessary sacrifices.

By the way, where is she? It’s been years since she faced us in a town hall.

Mary Ann Murphy


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