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The ‘funnies’ have moved

When I was little, it used to be a highlight of my day to read the “funnies” in the back of The Spokesman. Now all I have to do is open up to the Opinion page and read the recent letters to the editor attacking Cathy McMorris Rodgers. Talk about funny.

I’m not sure where these people come up with their facts? Really, “Weary of representative” writer? Be honest; it hasn’t been years since our representative held a town hall, has it? She held one in August just last year, and you and I both know she holds regular meetings and events to listen to the people of Eastern Washington.

And if you want to talk about a party that won’t compromise, the Democrat-led Senate shares just as much of an obligation and responsibility to “compromise” as you say, and work together with Republicans to solve our nation’s spending and debt issues.

It’s easy to try to place all the blame on Republicans, but last I checked, two-thirds of our government is run by Democrats. Explain to me how one half of one-third of our governing body is causing all the problems with our economy?

Kelly Lotze


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