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Tucker defies description

This article, “Prosecutor rankles judge” (Nov. 26), should have been on the first page of Section A.

This guy (Spokane County Prosecutor) Steve Tucker defies description. He refuses an order issued from the bench by a judge. Judge Debra Hayes should have issued a bench warrant and had it executed on Wednesday. That way Tucker could be spending five nights in jail, and perhaps he might learn the meaning of contrition. Hayes was derelict in her duties by remanding this case. She should have retained jurisdiction. She’s part of the problem, not the solution.

Next election time, if two Republicans want to run against Tucker, just flip a coin and the winner runs. The loser supports the winner. That’s why Tucker is still in office.

Perhaps someone should file a complaint with the Washington State Bar Association for some type of punishment, such as a suspension, in order to put some humility into Tucker.

Royce Davis


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