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Let WIC program shrink
Since when did The Spokesman- Review turn into a shill for government agencies with so much money they can’t give it all away? I refer to the story on the front page of the Nov. 22 paper showing the cute family gathering around the table to eat wholesome foods.
We hear in the story about who is eligible for the program and, most astounding, how “underuse poses a problem: the funds designated for WIC spending will be lost and shrink if more eligible families don’t enroll.” Heaven forbid that a government program would shrink! Nowhere do we hear how this program insures these people will get wholesome food as opposed to Twinkies and Cheetos.
I am not sure why taxpayers should be happy about subsidizing this college graduate who goes on the dole in order to pursue his master’s degree, especially as the story runs just below the major headline regarding the congressional debt panel’s failure to reach a deal.
I wonder if the spokesperson who provided the information for this story has a clue how aggravating this story of entitlement mentality is to the average taxpayer. Sadly, probably not; she will likely get a commendation for her community outreach.
Richard C. Jeltsch