Need to agree on causes
Why is it, with such clear problems, we, as a country, can’t find workable solutions?
The answer seems clear. We can’t agree on causes.
The first step in solving any problem is understanding the cause. Without that, it’s like the old saw, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”
For example, the financial crisis that drove us into the Great Recession should be resolvable. Like most problems, there has to be an answer. What about our debt crisis? Why can’t we focus our attention on the cause and fix it?
Is climate change just a natural cycle or exacerbated by human activity. Oddly, many of the mitigation ideas that could deal with human causation would be beneficial in terms of conservation of resources, even if the problem is nature.
Too often these issues are driven by lust for economic gain or political power rather than the need for solutions. (“Our primary goal is to make Obama a one-term president.” – Sen. Mitch McConnell.)
If we are going to turn this country around, we need good-faith efforts of leaders with the best interest of the country at the top of their agenda.
Bob Wynhausen