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Officer getting supervision

I admire people like Mary Lou Prentiss.

In her Nov. 19 letter, she had the chutzpah to display a disregard for human rights, a raging hatred of anyone she deems different, and the ability to fabricate facts from nothing, and the single-minded focus to believe anything the police say regardless of evidence to the contrary. That is true dedication.

I didn’t know Otto Zehm. I am acquainted with people who work where Otto did. These are not people that need your pity. These are not people that need “proper supervision.” These are people who are considerate, have a strong desire to make positive contributions, and are by far more empathetic than Mary Lou could ever hope to be.

I’m not sure what trial Mary Lou was following. Karl Thompson Jr. clearly used excessive force and has shown no remorse. Thompson’s service does not give him a right to beat another person. He and others lied and lied again even when presented with hard evidence. This is behavior that would be totally foreign to those “mentally retarded schizophrenics” that Mary Lou discounts as less than human.

The person needing proper supervision is Thompson, and it appears that he will have it.

Gary Poole


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