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Build complete streets

I read with interest the difficult decision our City Council faced regarding the $20 car tab fee. The measure failed, primarily due to an unwillingness to share a small slice of the revenue for potential sidewalk improvements.

I look forward to the day when policymakers realize streets should be designed for everyone – autos, transit and the person on foot or bicycle. The current state of street design is a reflection of funding primarily focused on moving automobiles as efficiently as possible – all at the expense of nonmotorized options.

A few citizens believe people don’t walk or bike ride in our fair city. The reason more people don’t walk or bicycle? There just aren’t enough safe streets for them to use. I refer to our sidewalks as little more than 6-foot-wide curbs used for snow storage. Most of our main arterials are like freeways with off ramps every 100 feet.

I sympathize with the current budget challenges; a $20 car tab fee is not enough to do the job. But when it comes to future street improvements, let’s build complete streets, designed for all forms of transportation, including people on foot or bicycle.

Len Zickler


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