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Save a pet
Each year millions of animals nationwide are killed just for lack of a home – thousands in Spokane County. We’re not able to care for animals already here, so just why are we adding hedgehogs to the mix? (“Hedgehog business for love, not money,” July 14)
Of course it’s for the money! Ms. Doering bred almost 100 hedgehogs that sell for $50-$175. Publishing these dollar figures will virtually guarantee copycat breeders. And why not? Just like most who breed dogs and cats, it’s a lucrative, tax-free business. One hundred dogs and cats could’ve been saved from death in our shelters instead of buying a hedgehog. It’s time we stopped buying designer pets and take care of animals we breed that are already on this earth.
Shame on our continued apathy toward the breeding and selling of millions of companion animals resulting in their senseless death. Shame on the Spokesman for giving Ms. Doering a forum to perpetuate her selfish pastime. These are living, breathing creatures that don’t deserve to be bought and sold like produce.
Instead of buying your animals, save a life. Visit a local shelter and adopt a homeless animal.
Tia Rosetti-Mills
Newman Lake