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Protecting the wealthy

I am appalled that conservative congressional leaders are willing to sacrifice the fragile American economy in order to protect their wealthy friends and donors. Taxes (as a percentage of income) are lower than at any time since 1958, yet the Republicans refuse to consider any new revenue, even the closing of generous tax loopholes … while at the same time insisting that the deficit and debt be reduced.

The president has put trillions in spending cuts on the table, as well as changes to Social Security and Medicare. But the party of the rich would rather see the nation’s full faith and credit go down the toilet, caring not about the added pain this will cause hard-working (and unemployed) Americans, than deprive the wealthy of the generous tax loopholes they enjoy.

Warren Buffett has even said that it seems wrong to him that he is paying a lower tax rate than the waiter serving him his dinner.

Patrick M. Reeves


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