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The union forever – sadly
As a state employee, I am forced to pay $31 per month to the UFCW Local 21 as a condition of my employment. I am a citizen that believes in the free market system, am opposed to the recently passed “Obamacare” legislation and am horrified by the recent and huge increases in Washington state spending.
As a voter I attempt to support candidates who understand fiscal responsibility and the importance of individual liberty and a strong business environment. Elected officials serving in Olympia that can balance budgets instead of seeking federal handouts have been in short supply recently.
My union expropriates monthly dues from me to support mostly Democratic candidates that are the opposite of my political views and economic philosophy. This is tyranny, and I am urging my state representatives – Rep. John Ahern, Rep. Kevin Parker and Sen. Michael Baumgartner – to support any and all measures that would restore independence and control to how my union can spend (politically) my dues money. Events in the Midwest (Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio) are encouraging, and I can only hope that Washington state is next. Let the debate begin.
Ed Walther