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Professionalism missing

The word “professional” needs to be deleted from Cindy Omlin, executive director’s organization (Letters, Feb. 26). By simple definition she hasn’t displayed one trait of a professional. They should be labeled as, “Northwest Educators.”

Ms. Omlin callously tossed accusations of “harrassment, denigration and bullying” by union representatives she doesn’t know. I am one. I have never done anything even close to what she has suggested, and I can name thousands of others like me. We seek to inform and improve on the current system in place. She has chosen to use techniques that she is accusing the Idaho Education Association of. Some may be so wise as to call it a “perpatrator/victim” scenerio.

I have a voice among many. It is called democracy. I am a proud member of the IEA. We are 13,000 strong with a diverse population. I am proud of our ongoing conversation of how to do that best, and we are true professionals.

Diane M. Riley-Link

Dalton Gardens

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