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Bike lanes for all streets
Growing up on the East Coast, I have some personal experience with traffic and chaos in the streets. Now I live in Spokane on the South Hill and spend a lot of time downtown. One of the things I think that needs to be looked at is the safety of cyclists riding in or on the side of busy roads.
I am not referring to motorcycles; they’re fine. Many of the roads around Spokane have designated bike paths for cyclists on the side of them. This makes a lot of sense; however there are also a good portion of roads without these zoned off areas. Traffic is very fast and dangerous at times and having cyclists riding alongside cars is very unsafe.
It’s my opinion that Spokane should really consider adding sectioned off bike paths on all of the streets and not just a handful of them. I think that this addition to our roads could cut down on accidents that happen to those who choose to commute on bicycles. I have personally experienced this as a cyclist and as a driver trying to avoid people in the streets. This seems like an easy solution to a minor issue.
Daniel Lamborn Dyer