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Nipping enterprise in bud

I’d like to comment on the raids and court trials related to marijuana dispensaries. What police are doing is morally wrong, regardless of the law.

The police are there to enforce the law, but really? These cops are so power-hungry they can’t take a step back and realize not only are they wasting tax dollars on prosecuting a harmless drug, but also taking the medicine away from the people who legally qualify for it.

Doesn’t anyone think it’s wrong that these people are applying for legal business licenses and medical marijuana cards through the state of Washington, and then, after they are all set for business, the local police raid the place and arrest innocent people? It’s deception and it’s wrong.

What gets me the most is that these people who own these dispensaries are legitimate business owners, with children, just trying to make a living like the rest of us. Now most face some serious prison time.

Now who do you think should be in county jail or prison, the people operating the crack house up the street? Or is it going to be the old lady selling medical marijuana to cancer patients legally? You decide.

Michael Gould


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