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Lowdown on I-1183

Initiative 1183 is no longer about responsibly selling alcohol but has reached a new low by allowing a large corporation the ability to buy an election.

The mudslinging and allegations have convoluted the fact that consumption of alcohol increases in privatized states, and that having alcohol available from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. is dangerous for our communities.

Under the current system, Washington has the highest compliance rate in the nation.

Costco intentionally wrote this initiative to mislead the people into thinking that alcohol will not be sold in stores less than 10,000 square feet. However, as the 160 privately owned contract stores go out of business, it will open up a “trade area,” allowing gas stations and convenience stores the ability to sell alcohol.

The reality of this initiative is that it will close locally owned contract stores, as well as state stores, eliminate more than 1,300 jobs, and create more vacancies in an already depressed economy.

For those who want the state out of the liquor business, this is the wrong measure. Vote no until we have an initiative that works for the people of Washington state, not just large corporations.

Kelly Osterberger


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