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Zehm family at fault
We have all heard about poor Otto Zehm. Poor Otto was off his medications. As an adult, this was certainly a choice he was free to make, but with freedom comes responsibility. If Otto could not be trusted with making responsible choices, then the people who loved him so much should have done so for him. Where was his family before the incident? Why should the Police Department or the city of Spokane be held responsible when Otto and/or his family failed to take responsibility for his mental health? They have certainly come out of the woodwork now; cashing in on his death in a civil suit and asking a veteran police officer to bear the responsibility for Otto’s choices when they would not. Yes, it is tragic – sometimes tragic things happen – with no intent. To double that tragedy is reprehensible. A good cop has been scapegoated and the Police Department has gotten a clear message of non-support. God help them the next time they are in harm’s way. They will hesitate as they remember the severe consequences of this incident. They will be injured or worse, and we the people of Spokane will be responsible.
Rosemarie Burns