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3rd District legislators best

Hurray for the 3rd District state legislators. I am proud to be represented by Lisa Brown, senator and majority leader, and Andy Billig, representative, who both have given up 3 percent of their salary to support state workers who have been forced to do the same. I’m unimpressed with those who are giving 3 percent to charity because, as we all know, that can be deducted from taxes; pay reductions cannot.

But my real hero is Rep. Timm Ormsby. This week, I was returning on the 11:30 Greyhound bus from Seattle. At the bus station, I met an ex-client, a friend traveling to California, and Ormsby. Timm often takes the late bus when he has meetings in Olympia. He believes that is the best way to save the environment, but, more importantly, the taxpayers’ money. If all legislators would walk (or in this case ride) their talk, we would not be in the budgetary crisis we are currently facing.

Thanks again to our 3rd District legislators: Lisa, Andy and Timm. You are the best.

Louise Chadez


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