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More class warfare

Jeff Brown was kind enough to write about civics and relate it to federal taxing (“Income tax graduated”). I ask him what are the rights and duties of citizens. What I read into his definition is class warfare. One group of people earned more. So they can ‘afford’ paying more. Where in our founding documents did it say that?

Oh, right it doesn’t.

We talk about equality and fairness; the graduated taxing system has never been a ‘fair’ way in creating revenue for government. Is it fair when you have any group bear a higher rate of paying just because part of society believes they can ‘afford’ it?

Thank you, Mr. Brown, for writing the same old story about how the rich should pay more; how about this for a solution? We reform the federal Ponzi schemes of Social Security, Medicare and welfare. We reduce the industrial military complex. We stop paying for the U.N. and foreign subsidies.

We offer a guilt tax. A tax available for any person or corporation entity that feels guilty about not paying their fair share of government revenue. After 24 years in the military, I’ve earned my citizenship and won’t need the insight on class warfare.

Chip Magnuson


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