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Ten-step program
To correct America’s money problems:
1. Stop all foreign aid, including Israel.
2. Eliminate most government subsidies. Senators have bought huge swamp and desert plots, classified them as farms to save millions by not raising certain farm products.
3. Senators receive more when retired from cost of living allowance. Past presidents and senators should take a cut in pay when they stop working.
4. Lower corporate tax from 35 to 15 percent.
5. Penalize corporations that locate their business overseas by taxing their products.
6. Send all illegal immigrants back regardless of their length of stay. Children born from illegals are not automatic citizens.
7. We have 700 military bases; cut our military spending and bring immediately all troops home from harm’s way.
8. Cancel our debt to the Federal Reserve as it has operated illegally. It is charging taxpayers $5 million per minute for interest on our debt.
9. Return the money printing job back to our government, as stated in the Constitution. To prevent inflation, back paper money with gold and silver.
10. Implement a new tax system. GE and Exxon paid no taxes even if they made record profits.
Tom Kagi Sr.