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Wolf hunters maligned

Your Outdoors person has run down, maligned and denigrated the great Americans hunting wolves by trapping, and setting snares, and any other legal means (“Trapper’s actions cost all hunters,” April 5).

Since when can a left-winger feel that he has enough brain power and common sense to print a column to bad-mouth those belonging to the brotherhoods and sisterhoods still left in what was once a great nation?

That your writer would have the gall to try to succor the favor of his freedom-stealing friends who are trying to outlaw one more of the recreations our forefathers loved and helped build the U.S. with is despicable. Wolf hunters are enjoying the country they live in and enjoying the freedoms their God blessed them with. Most of which no longer exist because of those who think like Mr. Landers.

Yet your commentator has attempted to recite the socialist dictatorship idiocy of saying that those who, while obeying the laws, do not have the right to have their picture taken and show it publicly. My goodness, that’s not pandering to one single PETA member because those types want to take away more of the wolf hunters’ freedoms of speech and expression.

Lee Lefler

Spokane Valley

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