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Cowan for job creation

While The Spokesman-Review accurately reported the recent small decline in Spokane County’s jobless rate, those numbers inaccurately estimate the reality facing our area’s unemployed workers. After years in Seattle earning a JD and an MBA, I’m returning to the area to start my career and put down roots, including one day starting a small business, but the jobs and economic situation in my hometown of Spokane are bleak.

As someone who has been looking for a job in Eastern Washington for the past year and a half, it is clear to me we need to send Spokane’s Rich Cowan to Congress.

Not only does Rich Cowan have a proven track record of successfully keeping and creating hundreds of jobs in Eastern Washington through his company, North by Northwest Productions, but he has also made the creation and training of jobs a major priority once elected.

Our current House representative, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and her Republican leadership have produced eight years of economic stagnation. It is time we move beyond her partisan bickering to someone who has the skills necessary to get Eastern Washington back to work.

Christopher Greene


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