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Romney, Ryan deceive poor

The Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan budget was adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives, twice. This is what we get if we elect Romney/Ryan.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has reported that while this budget slashes programs for the poor, it cuts taxes for the wealthy enough that there is little net gain for the deficit. How can Republicans get the voting support of the poor with that budget? Why would the poor voluntarily and knowingly commit themselves to worse poverty and misery by voting Republican? The answer is that they wouldn’t knowingly do that. They would do that because the alternative has been sold to them as a worse evil by the 24/7 noise of Fox News and its kind.

It is a sad commentary on the state of the American mind that we can be persuaded to act contrary to our interests and for the interests of others who reap great rewards at our expense. No wonder Republicans extol the virtues of “every man for himself.”

It works for them.

Allan deLaubenfels

Spokane Valley

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