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God’s instructions are clear
Gov. Chris Gregoire says she endorsed same-sex marriage after struggling with her Catholic faith. Did the Catholic Church change its position on homosexuality? Or is Gregoire’s faith so weak she ignored her church’s teaching?
Some claim homosexuals have the same rights as everybody else, were born that way, the Bible’s grace replaced condemnation and the bill gives everybody “freedom and dignity that God desires for them.”
What says God desires us to violate his instructions on homosexuality or any other biblical teaching?
One atheist says there is no God so everybody can do as they please. Truth is, there is a God who loves his people but sets rules, one being homosexual practice is an abomination. That answers The Spokesman-Review editorial: “Where’s the harm?”
It’s in offending a God who loves all his people but condemns certain lifestyles, and in others accepting homosexuality because it must be moral if it’s legal. Yes, everybody has a right to choose their lifestyle, but they have no right to encourage others to follow down Sodom’s road to destruction.
For the atheist who thinks there’s no God or salvation in Jesus, I’d rather believe and be wrong than reject him and be wrong.
Clif Collier