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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Tuition attack is wrong

President Barack Obama is wrong to attack institutions of higher education for raising tuition rates (“Obama decries college costs,” and “Obama’s remarks irritate higher ed,” both Jan. 28).

In view of the shocking decline in public funding for education over the past few years, public institutions hardly have a choice but to raise tuition. What is generally less well-known is that most private colleges funnel added tuition receipts back into financial aid, thus enabling students who otherwise can’t afford it to get a good education.

This practice operates as a system to equalize costs based on ability to pay. It is certainly much fairer than our present federal tax system, which allows even presidential candidates to avoid paying their fair share of taxes on their enormous wealth.

Rod Stackelberg, emeritus

Gonzaga University


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