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Don’t repeal gay marriage

Feb. 13 was a historic day in Washington. Though it has long been argued that, among other reasons, gay marriage should be allowed because it doesn’t really affect other people individually, the truth is that it does. It lifts everybody up because we’ve collectively taken a giant step forward in the march to equality.

Gov. Chris Gregoire’s personal journey that resulted in support for this issue is a common story. Just eight years ago gay marriage was used as a wedge issue to get people to the polls who would vote to keep it illegal and, the idea was, vote President George W. Bush in for a second term. While there are still many places that would not support these rights, it’s worth noting how far we’ve come so quickly.

I’m so happy for my gay friends and my friends’ gay parents. We should all be excited that so many lives are about to improve. Let’s not mess it up with a repealing referendum.

Greg Standal


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