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Obamacare about control

The reason we on the right so oppose Obamacare is because it has absolutely nothing to do with health care. Its sole purpose is control. If government is in charge of health care and pays for it, then it will demand actions and behaviors from those who wish to access it.

If you decide to involve yourself in actions the government deems risky, then you will either be denied access to care or fined for your actions. In other words, your personal freedom will be in jeopardy for your own good.

We already see this in how the nanny state dictates our actions. We have seat belt and helmet laws where the reason is if we don’t conform then we become a burden to our fellow man, so we need to be controlled.

Why not limit access to government care instead? If you choose to do something stupid and are hurt, then you are responsible for your own survival. Let’s face it, personal responsibility takes the responsibility control away from big government bureaucrats, and leftists resent that.

If you can take care of yourself, they feel threatened. Want a change? Remember to vote in November and remember Democrats always limit freedoms.

Rob Leach


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