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The Slice: Bottom line: Bike talk often a sore subject

Louise Fouquette saw Monday’s question about whether there is any kind of soreness too personal to be discussed at work.

As it happens, she has been training for an upcoming 150-mile bike ride. That has meant a lot of time spent on a bike seat. A LOT of time.

“I don’t think I need to say any more,” she said.

Asked and answered: A Spokane Valley grocery bagger asked Marilyn Attebery what weight would be ideal.

“A hundred and ten,” she replied. “But I’m not there yet.”

Just for the record: Mother’s Day was not invented in Spokane, but this area is home to some of the best. That’s not just local-media rah-rah. It’s a proven fact. I could name names.

The most-mocked cars in your teen social circle: “When I was in high school in the ’50s there was a girl at my school that drove a 1949 or ’50 Studebaker,” wrote Gary Rust. “Her dad was part owner of the Studebaker dealership in Hillyard. She called it the ‘rudabaker.’ Studebakers were not a teenager’s dream car back then.”

But Rust acknowledged that virtually all of the scoffers would love to own that rudabaker now.

Slice answer: In the matter of how people who go camping can avoid spending all their time wondering if their homes are being burglarized, Gary W. Smith shared the secret.

“Good locks, observant neighbors and a monitored alarm system.”

The Spokane River during peak flow sounds like…: “A flushing toilet,” said Cliff Hinrichs.

“A huge steam locomotive roaring around the turns and curves,” said Jerry Sciarrio.

“Froarthy (a combination of frothy and roar),” wrote Greg Robbe.

Today’s Slice question: When you are exercising at your maximum effort and are near the end of your momentary period of all-out exertion, what do you think about to help you push through to the end?

A) How the new, fitter you will look. B) Being in a fistfight with someone you loathe. C) Green meadows and blue skies. D) Hanging onto the edge of a cliff. E) An Olympics fantasy. F) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Vaughn Blethen and her hospital roommate discovered they both have daughters named Karena.

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