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Shea is our watchman

It is important we understand that when government steps outside a constitutional boundary that the people have established, there must be those among us who take action against that overreach. Rep. Matt Shea is a constitutional lawyer who understands governmental overreach and is working to restore those constitutional boundaries.

Incrementally, constitutional violations build until individual freedom is lost, all under the guise of safety. Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Patrick Henry said, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

There are leaders among us just waiting for the use of drones to watch and control us, and others who want more wealth redistributed. Shea is a watchman on the wall working within the system to hold on to our freedom.

Those who desire more power and control would like to silence his voice. Ten months ago, Matt reported road rage harassment against him. No police responded to the scene. Four hours later, he got a call, and the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office created a report being used negatively against him.

Judy Crowder


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