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The Slice: Special delivery restores faith in humanity

A South Hill woman who has appeared in The Slice multiple times recently returned to Spokane from a trip.

The mail that had arrived while she was away for a couple of weeks was in a bin. She decided to go through it out in her garage, using the back of her car as a sorting platform.

A lot went straight into the trash. But the high priority stuff got stacked and awaited a final sort.

“The phone rang or somehow I was distracted from my activity and went inside, leaving the important mail on the back of the car,” she wrote.

The next day she drove off and did some errands. She had forgotten about the stacks.

“When I returned home I found a pile of very dirty mail on my front porch with tire tracks all over it and notes from two different people telling me they had found the items in various locations on the South Hill. All the items were unopened. I found another part of the missing mail tucked back into my mailbox.”

But one important envelope had not found its way home. And my correspondent initially feared the worst.

“The next day I received a call from a nice woman at the Perry Street library telling me that she found my bank statement unopened in their night book return and wanted to let me know it would be waiting for me at the circulation desk.”

How about that?

“In this day and age when mail and identity theft are rampant, there are still wonderful people who look out for each other and do the right thing. I don’t know who you all are, but I love you!”

What you bit into and broke a tooth: “A pumpkin seed.” – Elaine Bartlett

“Homemade hard brown-sugar candy.” – Julie Farmer

Slice answers: “The reason people put the tattoo on the small of the back is so they don’t ever have to look at it, especially years later when it is ugly and they are tired of it,” wrote Jim McCall.

Another reader said people like to have a tattoo there so they can easily direct a doctor to the location of the pain.

Memories of the trip that brought you here: “Pre-cellphone, pre-Internet, prehistoric truck,” wrote Pam Pierson.

Today’s Slice question: When eating in front of the TV, do you make a point to choose programs with a low gross-out potential?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Always include your phone number.

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