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Spokane turning ugly

Am I the only one in the city and county who is thoroughly disgusted with the way our city looks? The trees and flowers in the medians are not being watered and are drying up without any colored flowers of any kind.

Take a drive on Country Homes Boulevard from Division to Five Mile and tell me what you see! Ugly dried-up foliage and no greenery to speak of, let alone flowers. This is not the only example, but it is the one I see every day. Do we not have any pride left in our surroundings?

I just returned from a trip to Portland and was immediately awed by all the greenery in medians, parks and neighborhoods. The flowers were outstanding and so beautiful, and the grass was so green, no weeds! They must have a very terrific parks department.

Why can’t we compete with other cities and make ours beautiful? Then I would be proud to say that I am from the Spokane area.

Bonnie Narrance


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