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Reason enough for guns
In an attempt to answer Daniel Schaffer’s Sept. 22 question as to why fundamentalist Christians might support gun ownership, several concepts come to mind:
First, guns don’t automatically kill anyone. There are times when they don’t go off by themselves, and there are times when they merely maim or cripple.
Second, if supporting gun ownership is taboo too, or for Christians, then are we to assume our Christian Border Patrol agents, U.S. marshals, city, county, state and federal law enforcement officers, sky marshals and our military, along with countless private and public security personnel, either shouldn’t carry guns or shouldn’t fill those jobs?
Good luck in turning the other cheek when some drug-crazed addict kicks your front door down and threatens your life, your loved ones and your possessions. But maybe that selfish, disrespectful lawbreaker is just kidding, too.
Dave Michaelson
Harrington, Wash.