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Barista issue mishandled

I would like to commend the Spokane Valley City Council for proving government need not move at a snail’s pace. However, the issue of the baristas’ partially covered breasts is a moral dilemma and should have been decided by the full electorate of the city, not the vocal few swaying the council at large.

I don’t think the dozens of citizens spoke for the 90,000 of us who reside in Spokane Valley. I’ve seen the latest commercials for Tacoma Screw and Ace Hardware purporting the simplicity and ease of working with the city to see their vision.

I wonder how the commercial would look if Devil’s Brew owners submitted one? I wish the council would address the ubiquitous empty buildings in Spokane Valley. How do the landlords profit by letting their properties stay unoccupied?

Steve LaCombe

Spokane Valley

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