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Say prayers elsewhere

I find John Bunch’s letter of Nov. 13 irritating. He talks about the “tyrannical opposition by one” as “absurd.” Bunch suggests that the “tyrannical minority” who object to prayer at city council meetings should just come to the meeting 60 seconds late and not listen to the prayer.

I suggest that Bunch and his kind, before coming to the meeting, have their prayer for “guidance” in their churches, temples, mosques, homes, car or any other of the multitude of places where the faithful can say their prayers out loud. But they cannot pray out loud in a governmental city council meeting. That way other citizens don’t have to listen to another display of absurdity, and the meeting can start on time.

The Constitution is there to protect that one from the oppression of many like Bunch when it comes to religion. And anyway, public displays of prayer for the sake of grandstanding don’t make you religious any more than saying the Pledge of Allegiance makes you patriotic.

Marilynne Wilson


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