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Don’t attack the messenger

When it comes to public policy in our city and state, there is not a more credible or independent organization than Washington Policy Center (WPC). Its nonpartisan information educates citizens and small businesses in our city throughout the entire year.

That’s why it was so unfortunate that Spokane’s City Council president would unfairly attack the group in a recent op-ed in The Spokesman-Review. Council President Ben Stuckart wants us to believe that WPC’s research and recommendations are somehow invalid because they also have offices and do research in other parts of the state.

He wants us to believe that we shouldn’t vote for Proposition 2 in Spokane – the supermajority requirement to raise taxes – because it was an idea brought forward by WPC. What Council President Stuckart apparently doesn’t realize is that 66 percent of his constituents approved this at the state level.

Our city and state would be in a much better place if we followed more of their recommendations.

Chris Patterson


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