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Mumm is scary

Candace Mumm has over 25 unions from across the state and across the country supporting her with big-time cash donations. Why? What interest do they have in Spokane? She has collected tens of thousands of dollars from those unions. There are red flags everywhere regarding this candidate.

When you have that many unions and that much money coming from them, you can bet your last cookie that the person on the receiving end is going to always support the unions and their demands. That’s screaming scary. Objectivity will be out the door.

Mumm is a tax and spend liberal; I don’t care what she says. She’s been the campaign manager for former Mayor Mary Verner and follows that same ideology. That’s scarier.

I support Michael Cannon and want his experience on the Spokane City Council. We don’t need to follow in the footsteps of a bankrupt Detroit because of union greed.

David Bray


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