Mumm unfairly maligned
Politics is an interesting game. When politicians can’t speak to the issues because they don’t know the real issues. Then they attack the opponent or the people that support the opponent. That is what is happening right now in our City Council races.
In May and June, the Spokane Education Association interviewed three of the four candidates for District 3 for City Council. It’s a very thorough process and all the questions center on public education. We chose to endorse Candace Mumm because she represented our view of public education for our 3,000 members. We couldn’t endorse Michael Cannon because he refused to be interviewed by us.
Now the attack is on for those interest groups that endorsed Mumm. Quite interesting, considering the fact that the big money (reportedly $60,000) used to buy the nasty TV ads come from other interest groups. Who is buying whom here?
Mumm’s background and vision for our city and public education made her a clear choice for us for Spokane City Council.
Please look honestly at the candidates running and the issues. Candace Mumm is truly the best choice for Spokane City Council.
Jenny Rose
President, Spokane Education Association