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Dansel the best choice

On Nov. 5, voters will choose between Brian Dansel and John Smith to represent them in the state Senate. Smith’s campaign posters ask you to retain him. But he was not elected to the position by the voters. Smith was placed by the powers that be in the Republican Party.

Dansel, however, was elected to his position as county commissioner by a landslide vote. He has been an outstanding commissioner. He has dealt with budgets, roads and law enforcement, along with many other citizen concerns. Dansel’s campaign has not consisted of distributing a mountain of expensive propaganda.

He has never made negative comments concerning his opponent. Those concerns have been voiced by other sources. He has conducted a door-to-door campaign to attempt to meet voters and listen to their concerns, not to promote a party agenda.

Dansel is a strong supporter for our schools and veterans. He has been criticized for being young and ambitious. I find it refreshing to see such ambition and dedication in today’s younger generation.

The 7th District deserves the best person as their senator. I know Brian Dansel is that person.

Robert Heath

Inchelium, Wash.

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